

Here's a brief writeup on what the blog actually talks about...

The eMenu on the right pane, as the name suggests, would congregate the posts per corresponding click.

It would have,

theos A level up being a traditional Christian to what I target on to be a follower of Jesus; replicating God in me. The series of lessons I come across.

garage cars & bikes; motors & machines; concepts & principles; rules & effects

android Being an androidian, it's vital to know about its evolution. The games, apps, features & support it boasts, along with the pros & cons comparison with its counterparts.

eLab My core interests viz., phones, PC and the other portables' new tech & their evolution - softwares - languages - OS - semiconductors - processors & controllers - networking

travelogue Would host this novice explorers' experiences.

music All my experiments with gospel music. Lost big interest in seculars. From Toby to Petra, Eddinbaro to DGS.. Would also post about popular YouTubes and the best of GodTube that I follow on.

sports Can acknowledge any sport that are in The Hindu sports column - still cricket, FIFA, WWE being the favorites. There's gotta be few interesting writeups on indoor pastimes as well.

foodie A frenzy Ice cream enthusiast. And, with zero items in the hate list, would like to hit the cheap and best cuisines anywhere. From the unexplored roadsides to the well-known starries, their routes & reviews, pros & cons..

Apart from being blogged on, there are few other interests like a descent landscape photography and humour, I possess. My Instagram/Flickr account takes care of the former and Facebook the later.

So, what I finally wouldn't prefer??  Literature, lifestyle, philosophy, economics, relationships, films...  I can't read them.

Thank You!!
Its time to hover along the eBuzz...!